This week we started to work on our prototypes in Fusion. Additionally, we continued to prepare certain parts by adding joint origins and “grouping” objects, so that it would be easier in the future to build with them.
Team A started prototyping their vertical intake (shown left). She started with the gears, shafts, and sprockets in the middle as it is the hardest section to figure out. Throughout the process, however, she found that the sprockets were hitting the shafts. During the meeting, we discussed her prototype and decided that it might be better if she drops the gears as they were not doing anything for the gearing, and were impeding her ability to control the distance between shafts. Alternatively, she could gear up the intake because it may help “catapult” the ball into the container. Another member worked on designing the back of the intake and the transition between the first and second intake (shown below). She drew out the design so that she could get a better idea of how it worked before she jumped into fusion.
Team B worked a lot on the scissor lift. He worked on the bottom section which moves the lift. However he ran into a few problems as the high strength gears did fit with the linear gears or the c-channel, so instead, he decided to use sliders to power the lift, which he will implement next week. Another team member worked on drawing out the claws. She drew out both a side roller claw and a regular one. She realized that sucking in balls with a roller claw is much easier, but shooting it out, especially in the middle goal, could be hard as it is not as precise. On the other hand, a regular claw is more precise, however is harder to grab balls with. Ultimately, she plans to go with a regular claw as its precision is going to be very valuable in this game.